Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Seizure Alert Dogs

A seizure alert dog has the ability to warn a person of an oncoming seizure. Sometimes the dogs will alert the person hours or seconds before the person has a seizure. Seizure alert dogs have been observed to lick owner's hands, bark at the owner's face, or act restless and pace prior to the person's seizure. A dog can stay  with a person throughout a seizure. A dog can be trained to get help or activate an alarm.  Also, the presence of a service dog can help reduce embarrassment from the person who had a seizure. People who have observed the seizure may become interested in the dog, and not dwell on the seizure episode itself.

Guide Dogs

Guide dogs are very useful to people who are visually impaired or blind.  They give people more independence.  Visually impaired people are able to get around much faster with a guide dog.  The dogs are trained to lead their partner around objects that could put them in danger.  Also, they are trained to get blind people across a street quickly and safely.  Guide dogs can also be great companion dogs.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Detection Dogs

One branch of detection dogs is the ATF.  ATF stands for Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.  These dogs are specially trained to find and allert someone of these things.  They use their nose to sniff out many dangerous weapons and drugs. They have a very well developed sense of smell, so the dogs are able to pick up a trail on even a very small amount of a drug or firearm.

Check out some cute puppy pictures!!