Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Detection Dogs

One branch of detection dogs is the ATF.  ATF stands for Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.  These dogs are specially trained to find and allert someone of these things.  They use their nose to sniff out many dangerous weapons and drugs. They have a very well developed sense of smell, so the dogs are able to pick up a trail on even a very small amount of a drug or firearm.


  1. I find it absolutely amazing how much people can teach dogs now. Dogs have been trained to do everything from detect drugs to guide the blind to help police officers take down dangerous criminals. Before learning about the information in this blog, I had no idea that there were dogs that were trained to alert people of seizures. These dogs are amazing creatures to be watched, marveled at, and admired, especially when on the job and helping the community. Kudos to you, blog writer, for informing society of the importance these dogs show in our everyday daily lives.

  2. I watched " A dog Named Christmas" last night and it was cool. the dog warned the family of a Cougar in their barn and ended up saving the life of a Dotson Hound that was having puppies. And while the Father was in the military a dog named Charlie barked at him moments before a bomb went off, killing the dog and injured the man. At the end of the show i learned that over 2,500 dogs go to shelters every year and only half of them find homes.

    Whenever I hear something like that i get more greatfull for my own dog. Poor gogs that spend the rest of their lives in a cage. :(

    it's cool how much dogs can learn.

  3. This information is really interesting and enoyable. I have four dogs so it is neat to see what dogs can actually do to help people. I watch animal planet alot and see dogs do this stuff and its really awesome. nice blog =]

  4. The detection dogs are help are police find illegal substances so I’m glad you took a interest in this topic.

  5. this blog is reallly cool and interesting i think its very helpfil to have detection dogs :) good job

  6. i think this blog is very informative and you did a good job of showing the facts

  7. I think it's amazing how people can train dogs to do such important things. I also think it's amazing how the dogs can sense certain things, protect people, and remember everything they are taught. I think this blog is awesome! Great job.

  8. you did a good job on this blog it's full of information (: i agree, these dogs are amazing.

  9. Detective dogs are very important because they are able to smell drugs and other materials in little places that we can not see or get to without knowing they are there.


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